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Gel injection questions

One of the methods of beauty and rejuvenation of the face is the injection of gel to the lips, which is accompanied by highlighting the lips. But there are always questions about this treatment, such as the following, with which we have answered briefly.
Questions about gel injection plus answers:
1: Is it necessary to consult a specialist before injecting the gel into the lips?
Yes, because your doctor will examine you and check the features of your face, using the symmetry and shape of your face to determine the amount of injection and inform you before and after care.
2: Does injecting gel into the lips have any side effects?
Complications and allergies are very rare, and a person may experience bruising and swelling that goes away over time.
3: What is the durability and durability of lip gel injection?
Its shelf life varies from person to person and also in the type of gel and it lasts for about 6 months to 2 years and may be longer.
4: How much rest after injecting gel into the lips?
Lip gel injection is an outpatient procedure and does not require rest, and the person may experience a slight bruising and swelling that disappears and the person can resume their daily activities after the injection.
5; When does the result of gel injection to the lips appear?
You can see the result immediately after the injection, but there may be some swelling that disappears after 24 hours and the main result is seen.
6: What are the benefits of lip gel injection?
The gel injection is painless and bleeding-free and requires heavy operations, and the result is quickly determined and has a reasonable cost.
7: Is it possible for the gel to lose its shape after injection into the lips?
No, because these effects are approved by the FDA and have no side effects and do not cause problems for the person.
8: Are gels approved and standard today?
Aliaxen gel made in Italy Teosyal gel made in Switzerland Staylage gel made in France Joyderm gel made in the USA is one of the best gels.
9: What should we do if we regret after injecting the gel into the lips?
You should consult your doctor before injecting the gel to your lips and find out what you want to inject, but you should keep in mind that these gels are absorbed into the skin after the world view, but it is also possible to drain.
10: What care should we take after injecting gel into the lips?
Avoid smoking and alcoholic beverages for up to two weeks. Avoid itching and severe massage of the injection site. To relieve pain, eliminate swelling and bruising, use a cold compress and drink plenty of water so that the body does not become dehydrated.
11: What is the pre-injection care of the lip gel?
Avoid taking blood clotting drugs such as aspirin and avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for a week before doing so.
12: Who can not inject gel into the lips?
People with cancer and chronic diseases, people with a history of stroke and heart attack, people who are allergic to topical creams and gels, people whose body system is weak and people with autoimmune diseases can not use this treatment. .
13. Can Botox be used at the same time as lip gel injection?
Yes, injecting gel into the lips with Botox eliminates deep wrinkles and longer lasting.
14: What other parts can the gel be used for?
Different parts of the face such as:
° Species
° lips
° chin
° around the eyes
° Forehead wrinkles
° Laughter line
° Raising eyebrows
can be used.
The cost of lip gel injection according to the clinic you perform this treatment and also the brand of gel used and the amount of injection and the type of gel injection are determined.
Lip gel injection is a cosmetic treatment that you can do under the supervision of a specialist doctor and reputable conflicts of this treatment. Also the brand of gels and you can get enough information by reading this article.
You can refer to Arad International Clinic to share all your questions with the excellent consultants of this clinic and benefit from free consultation. You can also be informed about the daily discounts of the clinic and the treatment of lip injection by Dr. Do Alizadeh in this clinic.
Tehran Saadat Abad Central Branch:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
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Hair loss treatment

Today, one of the problems that young and middle-aged people are facing and must loss is about 85% of the world’s people and they are struggling with it, but with the advancement of science, there are many ways to treat and strengthen hair. One can use them but there are always several questions about treating hair loss with PRP.
Questions about treating hair loss with PRP with answers:
1: How to treat hair loss with BRP?
The treatment of hair loss is done with onions. Step by step lesson is done. In the first stage, the person first takes the blood and prepares it during the necessary tests. In the second stage, the blood is divided into thirty layers in special devices and the enriched plasma is Topical anesthetic creams are injected into the cancer, which strengthens the hair and prevents it from falling out.
2: What points should we pay attention to before treating hair loss in succession?
Tell your doctor before taking any pills or illnesses and avoid taking blood-thinning medications. Also avoid smoking and alcohol before treatment.
3: Does treating hair loss with PRP have side effects?
No, because in this method, blood is taken from the person and there will be no side effects or allergies for the person.
4: What are the important points after PRP hair loss treatment?
The person may experience some pain and swelling that can be relieved by taking painkillers prescribed by a doctor and a cold compress.
5: Who can use PRP hair loss treatment?
People with chronic hair loss and baldness, people with hereditary hair loss, people with coin hair loss, people with hair loss due to fragility and thinning, as well as people who want to strengthen their hair. They can use this method.
6: Is it necessary to use topical vitamins and creams to improve the treatment of hair loss with BRP?
Yes, it can improve the skin faster and increase blood circulation under the skin.
7: When is the result of hair loss treatment with onion visible?
It can be seen between 6 months and 12 months after the injection, but in some people the result is visible three months later.
8: Does a person need to rest after hair loss treatment with BRP?
No, after the treatment, the person can resume their daily activities and normal activities.
9: Is it dangerous to treat hair loss with PRP?
No, there is no danger to the person because his own blood is used.
10: How many sessions are needed to treat hair loss with BRP?
One session may be enough, but depending on the type, it should be repeated 3 to 6 months later.
11: Is PRP injection painful?
No, because local anesthetics are used and you do not experience any pain or discomfort.
12: How effective is PRP injection?
PRP is one of the definitive treatments for hair loss that has about 50 to 70% response.
13: Can PRP be used after hair transplantation?
Since PRP treatment is for hair enrichment and growth, this method can be used for hair durability and strength.
The cost of treating hair loss with PRP is determined by various factors, including:
° Remuneration of medical staff
° Perform special examinations and tests
Use of local anesthetics
° The amount of material prepared for injection
You can find the answers to your questions by reading this article, but you can go to reputable clinics and get more information about it, and treating hair loss with PRP is one of the definitive treatments for hair loss and strengthens hair. Even if you do not have hair loss, you can use this method to prevent hair loss.
If you are looking for one of the reputable beauty centers to treat hair loss with PRP, we recommend Arad International Clinic. You can benefit from its free consultation in this clinic, as well as be informed about the daily discounts of the clinic, and Perform this treatment under the supervision of a specialist and experienced doctor of Dr. Alizadeh’s clinic and get the desired and extraordinary result and be surprised by the result.
Tehran Saadat Abad Central Branch:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
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Nose lift questions (non-surgical rhinoplasty)

بYeni is one of the beauty elements of the face that gets a lot of attention. Today, many methods are used to treat nasal malformations, including shrinking, ossifying and raising the nose. Also, nose lift is one of the easy methods to answer. is up.
Nose lift questions:
1: What is a thread lift:
The method of skin rejuvenation is done with special threads and needles.
2: Who can do a nose lift?
People who have a drooping nose and want to lift their nose can use this treatment.
3: What is the use of a nose lift?
Lifting the nose and the beauty of the nose and face
4: Does the nose lift have any side effects?
Nasal lift is one of the methods of facial rejuvenation that if performed by a specialist doctor and in reputable clinics, there will be no side effects for you.
5: What is the price of a nose lift?
The price of this work depends on the doctor’s salary and the number of threads and drawings, as well as the cost of medicines and examinations.
6: What is the care after a nose lift?
After a nose lift, you should follow your doctor’s advice to avoid side effects, such as not drinking alcohol or smoking.
7: Is a nose lift painful?
Because floss lifts are used for rejuvenation, local anesthetics are used so that the pain is not uncomfortable.
8: How long does a nose lift last?
The lifespan of a floss nose lift is different for each person, but it can be said that it has a relatively long lifespan.
9: What is the pre-nasal lift care?
These treatments are also provided by your doctor before treatment, such as drinking plenty of water to hydrate the body and not using blood clotting drugs.
10: How many types of threads do nose lifts do?
For nose and thread lifting, there is a mono thread, two twisted threads and three Kag threads.
11: How to do a nose lift:
After examinations and local anesthesia, the sutures are inserted into special areas by special needles and pulled by a doctor, which shapes the nose and beautifies your appearance.
12; What other use does a nose lift have besides shaping the nose?
Removes wrinkles around the eyes and crow’s feet wrinkles.
13: What other uses does yarn lift have?
It is used to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, frown lines, laugh lines, forehead wrinkles, and to eliminate facial wrinkles and raise eyebrows.
The cost of a nose lift or rhinoplasty varies from person to person because it depends on the shape of the nose and the face, how much rate and what type of brand should be used.
As mentioned, there are many ways to eliminate facial imperfections, but one of them is lifting vision, which may raise questions for you about this treatment. These questions are answered and you can get enough information about this treatment by reading this article.
We offer you Arad International Clinic that you can perform rhinoplasty nose lift under the supervision of a specialist and experienced doctor of Dr. Alizadeh Clinic, and also use the free consultation of the clinic and get your information about this treatment and discounts. Get informed daily by the clinic and get the desired result from this treatment.
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Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
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Questions about migraine lifts

One of the modern methods for removing facial wrinkles is thread lift, which has many fans, and the excellent answer of thread lift is used for the whole face, including the migraine lift, and there are always questions related to the migraine lift, including Below we answer them.
Questions related to migraine lift with answers:
1: What is the purpose of migraine lift?
It is a method for facial beauty that is used to raise eyebrows and eliminate facial wrinkles.
2: Does the migraine lift prevent the skin from falling on the migraine?
Dropped temples cause drooping corners of the eyes and eyebrows, and using this type of lift is the best way to treat it.
3: What are the methods for migraine lift?
The old methods used to cut the temples, but today it is done to lift the temples or to operate on the lower layer of the face, which requires great care.
4: Are there different types of migraine lifts?
Yes Lift (SMAC) for people with low skin sagging and periosteal lift performed in deep and underlying tissues.
5: What are the benefits of migraine lift?
Create symmetry, eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, eliminate crow’s feet lines, make the eyes appear larger.
6: Who can do a migraine lift?
People with sagging skin and eyebrows.
7: Who is a migraine lift suitable for?
People who are in good general health and people who have the ability to get rid of facial wrinkles, as well as people who suffer from drooping eyebrows due to genetic factors.
8: What are the highlights of the migraine lift recovery period?
During the first week of sleep, raise your head above your body or you may experience bruising that disappears after a week.
9: What is suitable to eliminate bruising and swelling after migraine lift?
Using a cold compress is effective in reducing bruising and swelling after a lift.
10: How long does a migraine lift last?
The durability of this treatment is determined by the individual’s skin structure, but usually has a high and long duration.
11: Is it possible to take a bath after a migraine lift?
Avoid water contact with the lift site until the recovery period is over.
12: Is direct light harmful for migraine lift?
Yes, because exposure to strong sunlight makes the skin sensitive.
13: Is it possible to go to the pool after a migraine lift?
Going to a swimming pool or sauna after a migraine lift is harmful because it can cause an infection.
The cost of performing a migraine lift is determined according to the brand and the first amount, as well as the amount of wrinkles on your face and the fee of the medical staff, and you can find out the cost of this treatment by consulting in reputable beauty clinics.
Wrinkles appear with age due to the fact that you can solve these problems by performing safe beauty treatments in reputable beauty clinics. One of these treatments is migraine lift. In this article, the questions that may be asked before Doing this treatment will come in handy for you and you can get enough information from this treatment by reading this material.
If you are looking for a beauty center for migraine lift, we suggest Arad International Clinic, which you can perform this treatment under the supervision of Dr. Alizadeh, a specialist in the clinic. Also, use the clinic’s free consultation and get enough information about this. Get treatment and be informed about the special and daily discounts of the clinic and achieve the desired result at a reasonable cost.
Tehran Saadat Abad Central Branch:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
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Questions about highlighting the cheeks with fat injections

Cheek highlighting is one of the facial beauty methods that takes the form of beauty and having prominent cheekbones doubles a person’s beauty. Today, there are methods for highlighting the cheek with fat injection that may raise questions.
Species highlighting questions with answers:
1: What is the role of highlighting the cheek with fat injection?
Due to the acceleration of the aging process, the skin increases and the cheeks are pulled down. Fat injection can help rejuvenate it.
2: When can the result of highlighting the cheeks with fat be seen?
The result is visible immediately after treatment, but there may be some swelling and bruising that disappears after the recovery period.
3: Is cheek highlighting with fat injection safe?
Yes, because fat is a natural substance that is safe for the skin and is absorbed by the skin over time.
4: Is there any side effects of cheek enhancement with fat injection?
Spending because fat is taken from one’s body and is normal and not a cause for concern.
5: Is cheek highlighting painful with fat injections?
No, because local anesthetic creams are used during this research.
6: How long does cheek enhancement treatment with fat injection take?
It takes about 45 to 90 minutes a month to do this.
7: Is cheek highlighting with fat injection dangerous?
Donors The treatment is done without pain and bleeding, and due to the use of body fat, the person will not have any side effects and there will be no problem.
8: Care after cheek enhancement with fat injection?
Avoid direct sunlight and do not do strenuous exercise. Avoid going to the sauna and jacuzzi. Avoid going to the pool and use a cold compress.
9: Care before cheek highlighting?
Drink plenty of water Follow your doctor’s instructions to avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and cleansing your skin before treatment.
10: How long does the highlight of the species last?
It depends on the skin structure of the person and lasts between 6 months to 12 months and in some people it is longer.
11: In what other cases is fat used?
Eliminate facial wrinkles such as laugh frown lines and crow’s feet lines.
12: Can cheek highlighting treatment be performed in unreliable centers?
No, because this treatment requires a lot of expertise and skills, and if it is not done in reputable beauty centers, it may cause irreversible complications.
The cost of cheek enhancement with fat injection is determined according to the shape of your face, how much it needs to be injected, as well as the use of anesthetics, tests and examinations, and you and consulting in reputable beauty clinics can be informed of this cost. find.
With age, the shape of the face suffers from several problems, one of which is drooping cheeks, which you can do by injecting fat to highlight the cheeks and achieve the desired shape of your face. Do beauty so as not to endanger your health.
You can use the free consultation of the consultants of this clinic by visiting Arad International Clinic and complete your information about this treatment. Also, be informed about the daily discounts of the clinic and perform this treatment under the supervision of Dr. Alizadeh, the clinic specialist. Get your wonderful and desired.
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Questions about facial volume with fat injection

With age, the skin becomes wrinkled and sagging, and the person suffers from anxiety and stress, and always looks for a way to eliminate this wrinkling and sagging to experience a sense of youth and vitality again, and in many ways There is a way to rejuvenate. One of these strategies is to increase the volume of the face by injecting fat.
Questions about facial volume with fat injection with answers:
1: What is the purpose of facial volume with fat injection?
Used to eliminate facial wrinkles and laughter line, as well as frown line and skin rejuvenation.
2: Who can do facial volume by fat injection?
People who care about sagging and loose skin and their beauty can use this method.
3: Facial post-volume care?
Do not lower your head in the first week and follow your doctor’s advice to speed up the healing process.
4: Is fat volume of the face painful?
No, because local anesthesia is used and you do not feel any pain or discomfort.
5: What is the durability of facial volume with fat?
The duration of this treatment is different for each person, but it lasts about 6 months to a year.
6: Is it dangerous to volume the face with fat?
No, because fat is removed from their body, it has no allergy side effects.
7: What is pre-treatment care?
Drink plenty of water and avoid smoking and alcohol and prepare for treatment and rest for a short time.
8: Who is suitable for facial volume with fat injection?
They are suitable for people who are in perfect health and have a healthy immune system, who have sagging skin and wrinkles, and who care about their beauty.
9: For whom is facial volume harmful?
Pregnant people and people with chronic diseases who take certain medications.
10: What are the benefits of facial volume with fat injection?
Eliminate wrinkles and lines in an easy way without pain and bleeding and have a very short recovery period and a reasonable cost and excellent response.
11: Which part of the body is better for removing fat and injecting?
Parts such as the thighs, sides and abdomen are more suitable for draining and injecting fat.
12: How many sessions is done with facial fat injection?
The injection is continued until the person reaches the desired result, but for many people, the result is good in the first session.
The cost of volume injection by fat injection is determined according to the amount of fat evacuated and injected, as well as the cost of tests and examinations performed by physicians.
Aging is one of the important factors that cause the loss of facial beauty, but you can eliminate the problems with the method of facial volume by fat injection, and by reading this article, you can answer many of your mental questions, but to have information. You can mostly go to reputable beauty clinics.
By visiting Arad International Clinic, which is one of the most prestigious beauty centers, you can get enough information from the clinic’s wonderful consultants for free and be informed about the daily and special discounts of the clinic, as well as the treatment under the supervision of Dr. Alizadeh. Do it and achieve the desired result and have a young and cheerful face.
Tehran Saadat Abad Central Branch:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
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Sculpture questions

Body sculpting is one of the most beautiful ways to achieve fitness, which is used for people who have an ideal weight and only have accumulated fat in some parts of the body, such as the abdomen, sides and back of the thighs.
Sculpture questions with answers:
1: What is the purpose of sculpting?
To achieve fitness and remove excess fat under the skin.
2: For whom is sculpture recommended?
People who are fit but have accumulated fat in some parts of the body.
3: For whom is sculpture not recommended?
This treatment is not suitable for people with single obesity.
4: What are the benefits of sculpture?
Achieves fitness and beauty of the body and increases self-confidence.
5: What is the best body sculpting method?
It is not possible to determine which province is the best method for body sculpting according to your body shape.
6: What are the types of sculpting methods?
Liposuction, lipomatic, lipolysis ultrasonic, ultrasound, body jet, lipolysis.
7: In which areas does sculpting take place?
On the abdomen, sides, legs, arms and thighs.
8: What are the complications of sculpture?
If a person does not go to the best specialist doctor for body sculpting and does not follow the doctor’s care and advice, he will suffer from dangerous complications. Otherwise, there will be no problem in following the doctor’s recommendations.
9: How much does sculpture cost?
It depends on the salary of the doctor in the area being treated and the cost of tests, medications and body sculpting methods.
10: What is the care after sculpting?
The care for each body sculpting method is different and is provided to you by your doctor, and you can get the best results by doing this care.
11: What is the right age for sculpting?
The minimum age is 18 years and the maximum is 60 years.
12: Does the removed fat return after sculpting?
If a person has a proper diet and does not eat a lot of high-fat foods, there is no going back.
The cost of body sculpting varies from person to person, depending on the method chosen, as well as the amount of fat drained and the tests and examinations performed by the doctor.
One of the problems that affects many people in the world today is obesity, which may be caused by consuming high-fat foods, but you should be looking for fitness. You can use the sculpting method and achieve your fitness and with By reading this article, you can get enough information about this treatment.
We offer you Arad International Clinic that you can do body sculpting treatment to achieve your desired and fit body by Dr. Alizadeh in this clinic. You can also use the clinic’s free consultation and get enough information and discounts. Special and daily clinic information.
Tehran Saadat Abad Central Branch:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
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Hair transplant questions

Questions There are many questions about hair transplantation that one can get a better way to use this treatment by getting the answers to your questions related to hair transplantation because hair loss is one of the most common problems among young and middle-aged people that you can Have enough information to solve this problem.
Hair transplant questions and answers:
1: Is hair transplant permanent?
Yes, it is permanent because it is removed from the back and the hair on the back does not fall out due to the lack of hormone receptors.
2: Can hair from all over the body be used for hair transplants?
Each body hair has a different structure, the best of which is the back of the head, which is used for hair transplantation.
3: Can we have hair transplants when we have hair loss?
Yes, hair loss was normal and you will not get more hair loss with hair transplant.
4: Is strenuous exercise harmful after hair transplantation?
Heavy activities and sports are prohibited for at least 45 days after implantation.
5: Is complete anesthesia used for hair transplantation?
No, this is an outpatient procedure and does not require complete anesthesia.
6: Is smoking harmful?
Yes, and about two weeks after hair transplantation, smoking is harmful because it prevents blood supply to the skin.
7: How long does hair start to grow after transplantation?
Hair begins to grow in about four months.
8: How long do you need to rest after hair transplant?
It takes a week or two to rest, but it is not absolute.
9: How long does a hair transplant take?
It depends on the number of hairs and the size of the planting area and the use of the device and it takes about 10 hours in several sessions.
10: Is hair transplant painful?
Khairjan uses local anesthetics.
11: Is dressing mandatory after hair transplant?
After the hair transplant, the dressing should be placed on the spot for a few hours so that the secretions do not bother the person and the person does not have any problems.
The cost of hair transplantation depends on the size of the area and the number of hairs, as well as the doctor’s fee and the cost of medicines, and you can find out the cost of this treatment by contacting reputable clinics.
Hair loss is one of the most common problems among young people and middle-aged people that you can solve the problem with hair transplantation and you may need enough information before this treatment that you can find the answers to your questions in this article and this treatment Do it in reputable clinics under the supervision of a specialist doctor and guarantee the beauty of your hair.
If you are looking for a reputable clinic for hair transplantation, we suggest Arad International Clinic. You can use the clinic’s free consultation by visiting the clinic and be informed about the special and daily discounts of the clinic. Do it, Dr. Alizadeh, and be amazed at the extraordinary result.
Tehran Saadat Abad Central Branch:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
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Questions about laser hair removal

One of the concerns of men and women is to get rid of their excess body hair, which is a little difficult for them to remove using cosmetics, and the best way to get rid of excess hair can be to use a laser to remove excess hair. Excess hair helped.

Why is choosing a laser to remove excess hair a good choice?
To use a laser to remove excess hair well and has a long and even permanent life for people.

What parts of the body can be used with a laser?
The laser can be used on all parts of the body, there is no part of the body that can not be used in terms of, and the only place where the laser can not be used is a small area inside the bony bowl of the eye

Who can use laser treatment to remove their excess hair?
People with light skin and dark hair are a good option to get better results from this method, however, people with different skin and colors can do this method.

How long does a laser hair removal take?

Laser body hair is different for each part of the body, but the upper part of the lips and ears only take 10 to 12 minutes, and the front of the armpit neck takes about 20 minutes to remove excess hair.

How many sessions do we need to remove excess hair with laser treatment?
For better results from the laser, the number of sessions you can do is 8 sessions.

Who can do laser surgery to remove excess hair?
It is better for a dermatologist to do the laser method for removing excess hair because they know different skin devices and do the job properly and cleaner.

Why do some people get burns after using a laser?
Because they do not have a reputable clinic and a specialist doctor to do this to consider a device suitable for your skin.
Does laser hair removal affect a person’s lymph nodes and fertility?
The laser used in the internal components has no effect on the ovaries or breast tissue and does not leave any bad effects for people.

Can a laser be used during pregnancy and lactation?
There is harm in using a laser during pregnancy, but you can use a laser to remove your excess hair during breastfeeding.

Does laser hair removal remove tattoos?
The laser used to remove excess hair has nothing to do with me and does not remove tattoos
Who should not use laser hair removal?
People who are pregnant and people with neurological diseases should not use this method, as well as people who have an open infection or open wound to wait for their infection and wound to heal and can use laser hair removal.

Does laser hair removal hurt?
Using a laser to remove excess hair is not very painful and only occurs in the form of tingling in the skin.

Is there an age limit for laser surgery?
Yarn has no age or gender restrictions.

Can lasers be used for men as well?
Yes, lasers can be used for men, but their effects are less than the effects they have on women, because the hormones in men make the hair resistant to lasers.

How Much Does a Laser Hair Removal Cost?
The cost of laser hair removal varies depending on the number of sessions you are scheduled to perform. Be fully aware of the costs associated with doing this.
You can also choose the best brand for laser to remove your excess hair from the consultants of Arad International Clinic, which is provided to you completely free of charge.
The following numbers are intended for you friends so that in addition to getting advice from consultants, you can also book an appointment.
Tehran Saadat Abad Central Branch:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
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Hypnotherapy questions

One of the best methods that can be used as a facial wrinkle remover is the use of hypnotherapy.

How long does it take to do hypnotherapy?
It takes 30 minutes to 1 hour to remove wrinkles based on hypnotherapy.

Does skin color affect the effectiveness of hypnotherapy?
Skin color has no effect on the efficiency of hyfography and hypnotherapy can be used on all skin types to remove wrinkles.

At what age is Haifu suitable for use?
Hypnotherapy is used to rejuvenate the skin and eliminate wrinkles for middle-aged people, but this method can be used for any age to reduce facial wrinkles.

How many sessions are seen from Haifu?
The use of Hypnotherapy for skin rejuvenation is highly effective and you can see the results from the first session, and now the time is right for this method to see the full results is 6 to 8 months, which you can do after the past. Repeat this method this time for the fox to enjoy its benefits.
How long do the results of hypnotherapy last?
The stability of this method is longer than other methods and has a shelf life of about two years.

Who is not a good candidate for hyperthermia?
People with open sores or acne should try not to use wrinkle removal techniques.

Is Hypnotherapy Painful?
To treat wrinkles from hypothermia, you may feel a tingling sensation in your skin, which is usually very mild, and this technique is almost painless.

Can laughter lines be eliminated with hypnotherapy?
One of the techniques used by Hypnotherapy is to remove lines of laughter and frown. You can use this technique to eliminate your lines of laughter and restore beauty and freshness to your skin.

When do the results of hyperthermia become apparent?
The results of hyperthermia will appear completely on your facial skin after a maximum of 4 to 6 months.

Do the device’s rays cause skin cancer?
No. Hypnotherapy’s radiation only stimulates collagen-made skin cells due to their high safety factor and does not harm the skin.

Can Hypnotherapy be used for facial volume?
Hyper is used only to eliminate wrinkles and has no effect on facial volume.

Does the use of Hypnotherapy also affect people’s ideas?
The use of hypnotherapy because they are sound waves and do not harm people’s eyesight and people’s eyesight has no effect.
Is it possible to make the skin more radiant and beautiful by using the Hypnotherapy method?
One of the benefits of using Hypnotherapy is the radiance of the skin
Can Hypnotherapy Cure Facial Moles?
Many hypothermias are used only to remove facial wrinkles and we must use other methods to remove facial moles.
How much does it cost to have each hypnotherapy?
The cost of having hypnotherapy depends on the number of sessions your specialist has for you. Also, factors such as choosing a specialist and a reputable clinic can affect the cost of this procedure.
To find out the costs related to this method, you can get complete information about the costs related to this method with the professional consultants of Arak International Clinic.
Dear friends, the following numbers are provided for you so that we can easily book an appointment while being consulted by the consultants of this clinic:
Tehran Saadat Abad Central Branch:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
Site address:

Botox questions

It is one of the most popular methods today to eliminate facial wrinkles
What is Botox?
Botox is a toxin called botulinum toxin, which causes paralysis of the facial muscles and eliminates wrinkles on the face.

Can Botox injections be given during breastfeeding and pregnancy?
Botox can not be used during breastfeeding and pregnancy because even a small particle of the toxin may enter the milk or reach the fetus through the placenta.

Does Botox make the face artificial?
If you do Botox under the supervision of a specialist, no artificial T will be done in your editorial office.

Is Botox a treatment or a preventative measure:
Botox can be used both as a treatment and as a preventative.

Are the effects of Botox temporary or permanent?
If you do Botox regularly and injections are repeated, the atrophic muscles will be weakened, which will make the facial muscles stronger and prevent the structure of wrinkles on the face.

Does Botox lighten the skin?
Botox has no effect on skin pigments

What other treatments can Botox be used for?

It is effective for treatments such as nerve itching, and Botox can also be used to better heal our wounds on the forehead. It also increases blood flow, which can also be used for Android hair loss, as well as reducing depression and headaches. Migraines are also well-known effects of Botox.

How long does Botox last?
Due to the use of Betolium Nium poison, which is not permanent and permanent, this method should be extended at regular intervals.
But Botox injections last for a maximum of 6 months

At what age can people do Botox?
People under the age of 18 should not use Botox injections to remove wrinkles. The best time to do Botox is 23 to 60 years old.

What do the things that make Botox work?
Excessive heat is the enemy of Botox, which destroys Botox

Does Botox cause facial muscle numbness?
Botox injections do not affect the sensory nerves of the face and do not cause numbness.

Is it possible for the toxin to enter the bloodstream when Botox is injected?
If Botox is injected by a skilled doctor, it may enter the bloodstream through small blood vessels, which, because it is so small, does not cause any severe symptoms.

Can deep wrinkles be removed with Botox injections?
Botox is used for superficial injections and can only remove wrinkles on the skin.

Is it okay to massage the affected area with Botox injections?
Avoid massaging the injected areas as much as possible as Botox may be transferred to other muscles.

Does Botox cause bruising?
I say with Botox injections there will be no bruising and if there is, it is very mild and insignificant.

How long does Botox injection take?
With Botox injections and patience, does this procedure usually take only two minutes?

How much does Botox cost?
The cost of Botox and the number of sessions you want to have Botox and the amount of injection used will affect the cost of this procedure.
You can contact the Arad International Clinic for information on the costs associated with this procedure and to find complete information on the costs associated with this procedure.
Consultation in this clinic is provided to you by the technicians of this clinic as well as professional consultations completely free of charge. You can call the following numbers to book an appointment.
Tehran Saadat Abad Central Branch:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
Site address:

Questions about eyebrow lift without surgery

Today to have beautiful eyebrows and have

Wrinkle-free forehead can be used with eyebrow lift, which should be done by using eyebrow lift to make your face corrections open and your appearance younger. Sometimes because drooping eyebrows make your face tired and angry. It seems that one of the methods that can be suggested to you to get rid of this problem is eyebrow lift.

What does an eyebrow lift do?
Factors such as aging can cause wrinkles on the skin of the face and also sagging forehead skin, which are all signs of aging, including the presence of horizontal wrinkles on the forehead and vertical wrinkles. It can be a sign of aging, which in some cases can cause your eyes to look angry with drooping eyebrows that you can use eyebrow lift to make your eyebrows look higher and more natural to eliminate these problems. do.

In which part of the face can a face lift be performed?
The face lift is mostly done between the eyebrows in the upper part of your nose, which has deep wrinkles. Also, if the drooping of your eyebrows makes your face look angry, you can use the eyebrow lift, also if the skin or fat tissue. There is extra in the upper part of your eyes, you can use the eyebrow lift method without surgery

Is there an advantage in eyebrow lift?
Yes, eyebrow lift without surgery makes your face younger, and in addition to the fact that this operation is performed quickly, the duration of the treatment is short, and you can do your daily work after doing this method, and take special care after doing this. You do not need a method.

Who can do eyebrow lift?
Eyebrow lift surgery for those whose eyebrows have started to sag and also people who do not like to have surgery with a razor blade can do this eyebrow lift surgery without surgery.

Is it painful to do this?
Performing eyebrow lift without surgery is almost a painless procedure

Are there any side effects for people after the lift operation?

The side effects of eyebrow lift after this procedure are very limited and minor.

Can those who do eyebrow lift repeat this procedure again?
Yes, those who have had eyebrow lifts can do this procedure 3 times a year for non-surgical eyebrow lifts, and those who have undergone gel injections can do the lifts once a year.

How long after doing the link will you see the results?
Doing eyebrow lifts on the face, although they can not completely stop the aging results, but can slow down these steps and eliminate wrinkles on your skin. for you .

Do we have to rest or have a special diet after the lift?
Absolute rest is not needed after eyebrow lift without surgery, but try to have a partial rest in the first days of the lesson. Try to sleep on your back and use your upper body with caution, and also avoid eating solid foods that need to be chewed. do

Can I wash my face after eyebrow lift?
After eyebrow lift without surgery, try to avoid washing your hair on the third day, but from the third day, you can wash your hair with a mild shampoo such as baby shampoo.

Do we need to take any action before the lift?
Eyebrow lift without surgery is one of the easiest methods, but a small mistake can have irreparable consequences for us, so before doing this method, I guess we have full knowledge about choosing a doctor and surgeon for this operation. Avoid using this method for alcohol until two weeks before surgery, and it is not recommended to take drugs that cause your blood to thin. It is also better to ask questions about eyebrow lift with your specialist doctor before eyebrow lift. Share and consult with them

What care should we take after the lift?
Because eyebrow lift surgery is non-surgical, but it is normal to have bruising and swelling after the lift, and there is no need to worry that your doctor will prescribe painkillers to relieve your pain. Only take the medications your doctor prescribes for you. Avoid taking other drugs arbitrarily. Try to see a specialist to remove the stitches a week after the lift.

Is it important to sleep after the lift?
After the lift method, the way you sleep has a great effect on the swelling of your eyebrows. As much as you can try to sleep on your side, you can also use painkillers before going to bed and try to avoid driving as long as there is swelling in your eyes. Try to include fresh vegetables and foods in your diet.

How much does an eyebrow lift cost?
Due to the fact that eyebrow lift is performed without surgery without complete anesthesia and has no postoperative complications, it is less expensive than other methods.
However, you can call the Arad International Clinic, which is under the treatment of Dr. Alizadeh.
You can get complete information about the costs related to the eyebrow lift method by dialing the international clinic.
Also, consulting in this clinic will be provided to you by professional consultants completely free of charge. You can also make a reservation by dialing the following numbers to get a consultation before performing the procedure:
Tehran Saadat Abad Central Branch:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID

@ clinic.arad
Site address:

Questions about mesotherapy

Questions about mesotherapy:
One of the factors that cause hair loss can be aging, which is one of the concerns of people to prevent hair loss with the use of medical methods.
One of these methods can be the use of mesotherapy methods. In this method, a specialist doctor uses vitamins to prepare proteins and enzymes that make it soluble for injection into the middle layers of the skin to stimulate the follicles. Hair that prevents hair loss.
The number of sessions for mesotherapy is determined by a specialist doctor, which is about 12 sessions, each session lasting about 30 minutes and the interval between each session is about eight days or more.
Frequently Asked Questions About Mesotherapy:

What are the uses of mesotherapy?
Mesotherapy has many uses, including cellulite treatment, fat treatment to remove wrinkles, scarring to prevent hair loss and rare diseases such as alopecia

Can I have mesotherapy?
People with hair loss can use mesotherapy to treat and prevent their hair loss, unless people who do not have severe alopecia areata are not good candidates for this method.

How many sessions does mesotherapy take?
Performing mesotherapy is not prescribed by a specialist doctor, but they are approximately 10 to 12 sessions, each lasting about 30 minutes.

How long does the results of mesotherapy take to appear?

After mesotherapy, hair loss stops in the fourth session, and after the third session, you see a decrease in the secretion of fat in the skin, and after three months, you see hair regrowth.

Do we need special care after mesotherapy?
After mesotherapy, you should take care not to use conditioners for your hair 24 hours after this procedure and do not wash your head for up to 8 hours until a few days after treatment with mesotherapy from exercise Avoid heavy and hard work. If after this procedure we notice that the skin has a bulge, be sure to see a specialist because you may be allergic to the mesotherapy solution.

How is mesotherapy injection performed?
In mesotherapy injection, it can be done both manually and with a device called mesogan. This method can be done that the use of the device is more useful because the injection is evenly distributed in the skin, but both methods are good techniques. Are for injection.

What substances are used in mesotherapy?
Solutions that are prepared for mesotherapy injections can include vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B5, as well as items such as lidocaine and procaine, because these drugs have anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties and prevent hair loss. Herbal remedies such as rosemary ginseng, which increase blood flow, are also found in mesotherapy solution.

Are all vitamins and enzymes available for injection in mesotherapy?
No In mesotherapy, the solution that is prepared for you due to hair loss varies depending on your condition and the gender of the applicant, and the percentage of each solution used in mesotherapy is determined by your doctor.

What are the effects of mesotherapy for hair?
Mesotherapy can be used to improve blood flow and nourish hair follicles to prevent hair follicles from degenerating, as well as to improve the use of other methods that you have used to treat hair loss and those who have had hair transplants. Use to improve blood flow to their scalp.

Who is mesotherapy not responsible for?
People suffering from underlying diseases such as syphilis and diseases such as diabetes, hepatitis and hemophilia are not good candidates for this method, as well as those who do not have genetic problems with good hair sex, and pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding should try this. Postpone the procedure.

How much does it cost to have a mesotherapy procedure?
The cost of mesotherapy depends on the number of sessions that the specialist doctor considers for you, as well as the amount of injection that is considered for you and the choice of clinic and specialist doctor can affect the relevant costs and this method. For information about the costs, you can contact the medical staff of the International Clinic and Arad, which will be provided to you, and in addition to benefiting from the specialized consultations of this clinic, you will also benefit from the costs related to this method. Get complete information The following numbers are intended for you dear ones who intend to do this method. You can call these numbers to book an appointment.
Tehran Saadat Abad Central Branch:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
Site address:

Questions about gel formation

Complications such as aging cause the protrusions of the face to be lost and the cheeks to be flattened in the face. This complication leads to dissatisfaction for people with their faces. The benefit gel in this operation causes the wrinkles created in the post as well as the bumps that increase on the bone to be injected gel or filler on an outpatient basis and one of the advantages of this method is that This method is not permanent and if the injection is done accidentally elsewhere, these substances will be absorbed after a while.
However, if cheek prosthesis surgery is performed, the patient is at risk of infection, including infection. In the gel injection method, the specialist injects the gel directly using very fine needles, which in this method, after cleaning the area from anesthetics for injection. Is used.

How is the injection of casting jelly done?
In this method, a specialist doctor uses very fine needles to inject the gene directly after cleansing the face and numbing the area with special creams. Due to the anesthetics used in this method, there is a lot of pain. We tolerate a little. Cheek injection with gel will make your face fuller and softer and without wrinkles. Gel injection will also make your face look younger and fresher.

How long do the results of the gel injection last for the species?
The result of injecting a gel for the cheeks Depending on the type of gel chosen may remain for you for 6 to 24 months. Some of these gels that are used may be used on a deeper surface of the skin, which may replace collagen. Missing help.

What kind of gel can be used for cheek injection?

The decision to choose a gel depends on the characteristics of the face, and yet the choice of gel is made by the specialist for you according to your face.

When is the best time to inject a gel?

If you are entering middle age, do not let the freshness of your face disappear with time. You can do a simple injection to eliminate the wrinkles of the people around your nose and eyes and get rid of the problems from the east, and this is the time. With a simple injection, you can restore the beauty and youth of your skin

How much gel can be injected into the cheeks?

West You can use about 2 to 3 cc of gel to volume your cheeks.

Do gels cause allergies in the body?
To inject the gel, it must be done under the supervision of a specialist, because if the gels are injected using the punishment of the facial nerves, they can cause a part of the face, as well as some people, to cause allergies.

What are the benefits of using gel injections for the cheeks?
One of the advantages of using gel injection is that the need for a long time to improve this hold and also reduce the risks of gel injection is much less than other methods.

Is gel injection for the cheeks painful?

Gel injections are very rare, but if you are a little upset about the pain, you can discuss these issues with your specialist so that your specialist can use local anesthetics for you and minimize your discomfort.

Do I need post-transfusion care to perform sorting:
Using gel for cheekbones because it is a minimally invasive method and does not require anesthesia, the recovery period is very easy and does not require special care, but try not to touch these places where you have injected the gel for a few days to touch the place Avoid and these symptoms will remain for you for up to three days. You can use cold compresses and creams containing arnica to reduce bruising and swelling after this treatment. After injecting the gel, try Do not use drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen and gelofen. You can use acetaminophen to reduce your pain according to your doctor.

What is the cost of sorting?

The cost of gel injection for varicose veins varies depending on the clarity of the procedure. If you want to know the cost of each gel injection method for your cheeks, you can find out Costs Contact the international clinic and Arad, and in addition to being consulted by the professional consultants of this clinic, which will be provided to you completely free of charge, get complete information about the costs that are not clear.
Dear friends, the following numbers are provided for you to contact the International Clinic and the contract
Tehran Saadat Abad Central Branch:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
Site address:

Frequently Asked Questions About PRP

Before asking any question about PRP, we must first know the information about PRP that BRB provides
What is prp:
In the prp method, your specialist doctor uses the blood he takes from you and puts it in a device called a centrifuge, which, due to its high speed and rotation, causes the platelets to separate from the blood and these platelets. It injects the enriched into the middle surface with very fine syringes. In this method, because the person’s own blood is used for injection, it will not cause any side effects or allergies for the person.

Does PRP have any side effects for us?
How can there be no side effects or allergies in the PRP method because the person’s own blood is used to perform this procedure, which makes us safe from some diseases or infections caused by this injection?

Do we need special care after PRP?
You should take precautions after performing the prp procedure, including avoiding touching the area where the prp was injected for at least 24 hours after the procedure. Also try to keep your head always Put it above your body and if your specialist prescribes drugs for you and try to steal them.

Does prp method cause hair regrowth?
By doing PRP, you will strengthen your hair and prevent further hair loss

How many sessions does the PRP method take?
Depending on your hair loss, your doctor will tell you how many sessions to use PRP, which is usually between 6 sessions, once every two weeks or once a month or once every three months. These methods are performed
Is PRP used for people with PRP hair loss?
PRP is used for hereditary hair loss such as alopecia, which is the best treatment to prevent hair loss.

Is there a special test for PRP?
No special tests are required to perform PRP.

Does anemia in some people prevent PRP from being done?
Anemia problems do not cause any problems for people who want to do PRP

How long do the effects of PRP last?
The effects of PRP are long-lasting, but for most livestock this method can be done every few months according to the expert.

Can I take medicine after PRP treatment?

According to the expert, but if the specialist does not prescribe you a specific drug, refrain from taking drugs such as aspirin and blood thinners for up to a week after PRP.

Who can use PRP?
Anyone who suffers from thinning hair and is looking for a way to prevent hair loss and hair growth can do this.

How is hair PRP done?
PRP should not be done using a special device called a meso, which is because the amount and depth of injection measurement is known and PRP is not wasted.

Is there an age limit for doing PRP?
No PRP can be used for both women and men and there is no age limit

Is this method suitable for those who can not do hair transplants?
It is the best option for people for whom hair transplantation is not suitable and also for people who have thin backs to the scalp.

How Much Does a PRP Cost?
The cost of this procedure varies depending on the type of injection as well as the number of sessions that the specialist doctor considers for you.
At Arad International Clinic, there are many medical staff and professional consultants waiting to answer your questions about costs. You can contact the following numbers for information on costs related to this procedure:
Tehran Saadat Abad Central Branch:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
Site address:

Frequently Asked Questions About Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty or the operation of the upper or lower eyelid, which is done to prevent puffiness and wrinkles around the eyes by removing excess fat and excess skin. This method is used as a method to rejuvenate and beautify the face. It can be effective as an aesthetic aspect in improving vision, which is also caused by drooping eyelids.

Do you need special preparation to perform blepharoplasty for eyelid beauty?
You should keep in mind that to perform a blepharoplasty operation, despite the fact that this operation is performed in a very short time, but it must be with me to take care of you for at least one night.

How long does it take to perform blepharoplasty on the eye?
Blepharoplasty for the eye also varies depending on which area you want to treat blepharoplasty. It takes about 45 minutes for the upper eyelid and about an hour for the lower eyelid after the blepharoplasty. You can return home in half an hour.

Is it possible to open the eyelid completely after performing blepharoplasty?
Yes, you can open your eyelids completely after the blepharoplasty, because the specialist will do this for you in such a way that there is no problem for you in opening and closing your eyelids.

Can other methods of eye beauty be used during blepharoplasty?
According to your specialist doctor, you can perform blepharoplasty with methods such as eyebrow lift, as well as face lift, fat injection and chin implant.
What is the best age to have a blepharoplasty procedure?
This method can be done from the age of 30 due to drooping eyelids, but the best time to do this method is in the age group of forty, and the peak of this method is common at the age of 50 to 60. But in general, age is not important for phalloplasty and if the conditions for blepharoplasty are created, you can do

Should I stay home and rest after having a blepharoplasty?
After having a blepharoplasty, try to rest at home for a few days. Some people may develop dry eyes, which can be treated with medication given by a specialist.
Dry eyes do not last more than two weeks, and if they last longer than these days, be sure to see your specialist.

Can any special exercises be performed after blepharoplasty?
To do exercises after blepharoplasty, you can use light exercises to exercise up to two weeks after blepharoplasty, and you can do exercises such as swimming after four weeks of blepharoplasty.

Can I return to work after a blepharoplasty?
After the operation, you can return home and use ice packs to remove bruises and swellings. You can return to work no later than three days after this procedure.

How long after a blepharoplasty should we see a doctor?
See your specialist doctor a week after the plastic and foot surgery to remove the stitches.

Is it possible to use a phone, tablet and computer after doing plastic shoveling?
There are no restrictions on the use of laptops and phones, just because the eyelid swelling is a little high in the first week, you may be annoyed, otherwise there are no restrictions on the use of these devices after any blepharoplasty procedure.

Are absorbable prescriptions used in eye blepharoplasty?
The sutures used for blepharoplasty surgery are spinal cords that are absorbable

How long does it take to see the final result of this procedure after eyelid blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty for eyelids and drooping eyelids, or a maximum of two weeks to two months, to see the full results of this procedure on your eyelids.

Do I need absolute rest after each blepharoplasty procedure? Can I do my daily activities outside the home?
In performing blepharoplasty for wrinkles and puffiness around the eyes, the recovery period of this method is about two weeks. The incision line created to eliminate drooping eyelids takes about 3 to 2 months to disappear and you can do the activity. We have no obstacles to leave the house after three days at the most, you just have to follow the care after blepharoplasty
What is the approximate cost of drooping eyelids?
It is not possible to determine the cost without examination. If you have drooping eyelids and you want to solve these problems with blepharoplasty method, you should see a specialist doctor to determine the costs according to drooping eyelids and you can get the services related to blepharoplasty in Do Ara International Clinic under the treatment of Dr. Alizadeh and enjoy the services related to the cost according to the examination of this doctor. You can contact the following numbers for consultation before performing blepharoplasty.
Tehran Saadat Abad Central Branch:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
Site address:

Questions about nose shaping

How are nose shapes done?
Nose shaping is done surgically and non-surgically, but in non-surgical shaping, only the shape of the nose changes and the structure of the nose does not change.
How long does it take to shape the nose?
Its duration is less than the duration of surgery and in each method the duration is different, for example, shaping the nose with hot gel will take 15 minutes
How long does it take to shape a nose without surgery?
In principle, non-surgical ways will not have a recovery period and recovery will be achieved in a very short time
What kind of yarn is used to shape the nose with thread?
Uses pdo yarn that will be easily absorbed by the body
Is it more suitable for shaping the vagina nose?
There are different types of gels for shaping the nose, the best of which is hyaluronic acid because they will be more compatible with the human body.
How long does it take for the swelling and bruising to go away after the nose is shaped?
Swelling and bruising after shaping the nose is very common and will go away in 24 hours.
▪️ How long does it take to shape the nose with gel?
Shelf life of different gels varies, but if we say hyaluronic acid gel, it has a shelf life of two years.
Does nasal shaping hurt?
Because nasal congestion is performed under anesthesia, the amount of pain is very mild
What are the methods for shaping the nose?
Nasal shaping with gel, nasal shaping with thread, nasal shaping with plasma jet and nasal shaping using enzymes are types of nose shaping
Is nasal hump possible in shaping the nose?
The formation of nasal hump is eliminated by injecting gel, but it is used for small humps
What method did he use for fleshy noses?
It is better to eliminate the formation of meaty nose by enzymes because it has fat burning properties with enzymes.
Can pregnant women use nasal shaping methods?
No, these women have to finish their pregnancy so that they can use different methods
When is the result of shaping the nose determined with gel?
You can see the result of shaping the nose with the gel immediately after the gel injection
Can people with diabetes use nose shaping?
No, people with certain diseases and autoimmunity can not use these methods
What can we do to make the nose shape last longer?
It is better not to put pressure on the nose in any way to make it last longer
How much does it cost to shape your nose?
Rhinoplasty is done in different ways, each method of equipment and tools required is different, and prices and costs are different in each method of treatment.
If you want to be informed about the daily costs and discounts of Arad International and Specialized Clinic, you can contact our experienced consultants and experts. Consulting and providing all services in this treatment and beauty clinic is completely free.
A variety of nose shaping methods such as gel injection, thread shaping, plasma jet, use of enzymes and other cases are performed by a skilled and experienced doctor, Dr. Alizadeh. Please contact below
Tehran Central Branch
Sa’adat Abad:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
Site address:

Face lift questions

What is the best age for a facelift?
Because wrinkles are caused by aging, the best age for a facelift is 40 to 60 years old, but this method has no age limit.
ل Is the lift permanent? No, due to aging and gravity, wrinkles may appear on the skin, but some people will last for ten years.
چند How many face lifts are performed?
In addition to surgery, you can use flossing, hypnotherapy, gel injections, fat injections and Botox injections.
What is the cotton material used for face lift?
The material of this yarn is pdo, which is absorbable in the skin and is compatible with the human body
Can pregnant women use a variety of face lifts?
No, pregnant women due to their condition and situation can not do face lift and have to go through their pregnancy
What is the difference between prickly and plain yarns in lift and yarn operation?
Barbed thread is used to lift the jaw and cheeks, which remain fixed and do not move
What is the difference between hypnotherapy and radiofrequency ablation?
In hypotherapy, they are regenerated with deep tissues and the surface layers of the skin will not be damaged.
Can neck lift be performed with hypotherapy?
Yes, hypnotherapy is one of the best methods for neck and face lift
How long does hypnotherapy in a face lift take?
Hypnotherapy will take 20 to 40 minutes
▪️ How long does the thread lift last?
It can be roughly said that the lifespan of a face lift with a thread will last two to three years
Will face lift have an effect on drooping eyebrows?
Yes, this is a good method for drooping eyebrows that will be removed by lifting the drooping forehead.
▪️ Do worms have that direction
Are face lifts produced effective?
These drugs and creams are just for advertising because facial wrinkles originate from the underlying tissues and must be treated fundamentally and the creams only affect the skin surface.
Does Hypnotherapy have an effect on facial skin lift? Yes, one of the advantages of hypnotherapy is that after doing a facelift in this way, it will make the skin fresh and radiant.
صورت Does the face lift hurt?
The facelift will be performed under anesthesia, with mild pain
How much does a face lift cost?
The cost of a face lift depends on the method you perform for the lift, as well as the tools and equipment used in each face lift method, although the costs and prices vary from clinic to clinic.
If you want to know the daily costs and discounts of Arad International and Specialized Clinic, you can contact our experienced experts and consultants. Consulting and providing services in this beauty and treatment clinic is completely free.
All kinds of face lift methods are performed by a skilled and experienced doctor, Dr. Alizadeh, in Arad specialized and beauty clinic. For more information and free consultation, you can contact the following numbers:
Tehran Central Branch
Sa’adat Abad:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
Site address:

Eyebrow lift questions

Eyebrow lift is one of the methods that will beautify the face and will make the face from frowning and depressed. Questions that may arise for anyone for eyebrow lift:
What effect does eyebrow lift have on the face?
Eyebrow lift is one of the methods that makes the face more beautiful and raises the eyebrows and removes the line between the eyebrows, and also eliminates forehead wrinkles.
س Eyebrow lift is suitable for what age? There is no age limit for eyebrow lifts, but it is better to be done between the ages of 40 and 60
How long is an eyebrow lift?
Surgical eyebrow lift will take 1 to 3 hours, but in non-surgical methods it takes a shorter time, which is different in each non-surgical method.
What are the types of eyebrow lifts?
Eyebrow lift is performed surgically and non-surgically. In non-surgical methods, there are different types such as thread eyebrow lift, Botox, gel, laser and other ways, which are more cost-effective than surgical eyebrow lift.
What is the best type of eyebrow lift for a small forehead?
The best method for eyebrow lift for small foreheads is the endoscopic method, along with which wrinkles can be removed.
Which type of eyebrow lift is better?
The choice of eyebrow lift method depends on the individual’s condition and expert opinion
در Is there an artificial face in the thread lift method?
No, the eyebrows are moderately and slightly stretched and the face will be natural
▪️ How long does the thread lift last?
The lifespan of a thread lift is about one to two years, which of course will be different for each person
How long does an eyebrow lift with gel take and how long does it last?
Eyebrow lift with gel will last 20 minutes, which lasts 6 months to 9 months
Why does Botox eyebrow lift make the face look artificial?
People whose face becomes artificial after Botox injection due to the use of substandard materials and high doses, their face will become artificial, so it is better to choose a highly skilled doctor for eyebrow lift with Botox.
Is Botro injection injected into the skin in Abroba lift? No, in the Botox injection method for eyebrow lift, the solution will be injected into the muscles that raise the eyebrows and cause those muscles to become paralyzed.
Will eyebrow lift with gel affect the skin?
Yes, because the gel will stretch the skin, it will make wrinkles smoother and make the skin look fresher and more beautiful.
Will eyebrow lift have any side effects?
The results obtained by eyebrow lift in different methods have caused some redness, bruising and swelling, which is quite normal and these complications will disappear in a short time.
What does the longevity of an eyebrow lift depend on?
Eyebrow lifts are different for men and women and also depend on the shape of the eyebrows and the way the lift is performed.
How much does an eyebrow lift cost?
The cost of eyebrow lift with non-surgical methods is more appropriate and cheaper than surgical eyebrow lift, which in non-surgical methods depends on the type of method used for eyebrow lift and also the tools and equipment required in each method.
If you want to know the daily costs and discounts of Arad International and Specialized Clinic, you can contact our experienced consultants and experts. Consulting and providing services in this specialized clinic is completely free.
In Arad International and Specialized Clinic, all kinds of eyebrow lift procedures will be performed by a skilled and experienced doctor, Dr. Alizadeh. For more information and free consultation, you can contact the following numbers: Tehran Central Branch
Sa’adat Abad:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
Site address:

Remote tattoo questions

Some people regret when they do a tattoo for beauty on their skin after a while or they do not get a good result from their tattoo. These people are looking for a way to remove their tattoo.
How many remo tattoos are done?
Remote tattoo is done in two ways, one method will be done by a solution that will clean the tattoo, the other method is laser method which will be done by a doctor.
Can hair removal be done by hairdressers?
It is true that some hairdressers do Remo tattoo work, but do not ask for help from hairdressers in this way, because if they do not have expertise in this field, there will be complications such as dimples and excess flesh, and also The laser tattoo removal procedure will be performed only by a doctor
What are the side effects of Remo Tattoo?
If the user doing the tattoo remover for you is not skilled enough, there may be severe complications for your skin, such as dimples and excess flesh.
میتوان Is it possible to take a bath after removing a tattoo?
After removing the tattoo, you can not water the area where the removal was done for three days. It is better to do this bath before removing the tattoo.
What medicine is used to treat removal of tattoos?
One of the medications that should be used immediately after removal is vitamin AD, which should be rubbed twice a day on the part where the tattoo is done.
What to do with itching after tattoo removal? Itching of the skin after removing Remote is very normal, do not scratch the place for which Remote is done and it is better to use cooling ointments or cold compresses, but be sure to put ice on the cover from which water will leak. Do not rub it on the desired area as it will cause infection
پوست How to get rid of skin inflammation after tattoo removal?
If your skin becomes inflamed after removal of the tattoo, you can use zinc oxide ointment, which can be used at the same time as AD ointment.
انجام Can we be outdoors after removing the tattoo?
There is no problem in being outdoors, but sun exposure should not be done. It is better to use sunscreen or sunscreen hats for a few days.
How long does it take for a tattoo to be removed from the skin?
It may take a few sessions for your tattoo to clear, but depending on the color used in your tattoo, the more colorful your tattoo, the more sessions will be needed.
Who can not do remote control?
People with certain diseases such as epilepsy, diabetes and other diseases can not do remote control. It is also forbidden in pregnant women.
Does Remo Tattoo hurt?
Make sure that the tattoo removal is less painful than the amount of tattooing, but you can use lidocaine ointment to reduce the pain. You may have more pain in areas that are bony, such as the wrist.
Do colors affect remo tattoos? Yes, some colors are difficult to remove from the skin. The best option for removing Remote is black. Red is also better than green and blue.
▪️ Are creams that have been developed to remove remot tattoos
Are they suitable?
No, creams that have been produced for advertising for remote tattoo can not remove the tattoo and will only cause skin problems for you. It is better to see a doctor to remove your tattoo.
How much does Remo Tattoo cost?
The cost of a tattoo remover is different for each person because it depends on the type of tattoo color, the number of sessions and also the amount of light or light of their tattoo and also the method of removing the tattoo will be different in the amount of costs.
If you want to know the costs and discounts of Arad International and Specialized Clinic, you can contact our experienced consultants and experts. Consulting and providing services in this specialized and beauty clinic is completely free.
In Arad specialized and beauty clinic, all kinds of remo tattoo methods are performed by a skilled and knowledgeable doctor, Dr. Alizadeh. For more information and free consultation, you can contact the following numbers:
Tehran Central Branch
Sa’adat Abad:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
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Questions about body volume with fat injection

Some people, as they age, some parts of their body lose volume and their limbs change shape, and this will cause them discomfort. Destroy yourself
چه In what parts can body volume be done by fat injection?
Fat injections can be injected into various parts of the body, including the face, buttocks, chest, neck, and parts that have been degraded over time.
▪️ Fat is extracted from which part of the body?
Fat extraction is mainly extracted from the parts that have more fat, such as the sides of the abdomen and chest. It is used to give volume to the body.
Can very thin people get fat injections?
People with severe weight loss can not inject fat to increase body volume because the body is free of any fat and can not provide the required fat
How is fat removed?
Liposuction is performed by liposuction, which is preceded by local anesthesia
Is fat injection better or gel injection?
It is better to say that volumizing the body by injecting fat is superior to injecting gel because there are no restrictions in injecting it and its durability is longer than injecting gel.
What are the side effects of fat injection?
If the fat injection is done by a highly skilled specialist to increase the body volume, there will be no side effects for the person, however, there will be small side effects such as redness, swelling and mild bruising that will disappear in a very short time.
Is fat injection beneficial for body volume?
Yes, of course, fat injections can have good results because the fat is made from the body itself and the body will not show any allergic reaction to it.
At what age is fat injections allowed?
In principle, fat injection has no age limit, but it is better not to gain weight under 18 years
Is anesthesia necessary to increase body volume by injecting fat into the body?
In some cases, what fat removal should be done a lot. The doctor will perform general anesthesia for fat conditions. In principle, fat removal is done under anesthesia.
How many sessions of fat injection and body volume do you do?
The number of sessions depends on the amount of fat injections and the part where the fat should be injected. For example, injecting fat into the laugh line requires 3 sessions of treatment.
For which part of the body is fat injection less effective?
Injecting fat in areas that are generally less fat will be less effective, such as lips and laugh line.
Do the injected fats move in the body after injecting fat into the body?
No, fats attach to other tissues in the body after being injected and will not move.
How long does bruising last after fat injection and body volume?
The amount of bruising depends on the part where the fat is injected, but in areas that are done for more volume, such as the chest and buttocks, the bruising takes two weeks to heal
Can I exercise after fat injection? It is best to postpone exercise for two weeks after fat injection and avoid strenuous activity.
What is the cost of fat injection and body volume?
The cost of fat injection depends on the amount of fat drained and injected, as well as the desired parts of the body, but in each method the number of sessions is different.
If you want to be informed about the daily costs and discounts of Arad International and Specialized Clinic, you can contact our experienced consultants and experts. Consulting and providing services in this beauty and specialized clinic is completely free.
In Arad specialized and beauty clinic, fat injection is performed by a skilled and experienced doctor for volume to the body. For more information, you can contact the following numbers:
Tehran Central Branch
Sa’adat Abad:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
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Hair transplant questions

Hair transplantation is one of the methods of hair loss treatment that is done by doctors and cosmetologists, which is the best way to treat hair loss and it is done permanently.
Will hair fall out after a hair transplant?
After hair transplantation, hair loss will not be possible because the hair receptors are very strong
Can other parts of the hair than the back of the head be used as a hair bank?
Hair in different parts of the body is different, for example, body hair grows to some extent and is also curly and not suitable for scalp hair.
Can I exercise after a hair transplant?
It is best to limit strenuous exercise and strenuous activity for two weeks
Can hair be transplanted during hair loss?
Hair transplantation is possible when the normal hair of any person is falling out because it is not related to the transplanted hair, their recipients will be different
Does hair transplantation hurt?
Hair transplantation will use local anesthesia that some people will not feel pain at all and some people will feel mild pain.
How long does it take for the implanted hair to grow?
After hair transplantation, it takes four months for new hair growth to begin because they have to go through a period of rest.
How long is the rest and recovery period after hair transplantation?
In the new method called sut, there is no need for rest and recovery period
How long does a hair transplant take?
Today, due to the use of special devices for hair transplantation, its duration has been reduced. In the past, hair transplantation lasted for 9 hours, and also the duration of hair transplantation depends on the size of the transplant area.
Which hair transplant method is better?
Today, the best method of hair transplantation is sut method, in which recovery is done sooner and takes less time, and also does not require a period of recovery and rest.
Will hair loss be removed with hair transplantation?
Yes, hair transplantation is a safe and secure way to get rid of baldness, the result will be desirable
Why should you shave your head before a hair transplant?
Shaving is done because hair hygiene must be maintained well after hair transplantation and it is also easier for the doctor to remove the hair follicle.
At what age can hair transplants be done?
Hair transplantation is best done from the age of 20, but there is no age limit in this method
What should be done after hair transplant?
After hair transplantation, you should follow the instructions given by your doctor carefully and use the medications prescribed by him at the right time and for the right time, and observe good hygiene so as not to cause infection.
مو Are hair transplants different for men and women?
Hair transplantation is the same method for men and women, but it is easier for men because they have a stronger hair bank because the pattern of hair loss in women is different and their hair loss occurs in all parts. comes
How much does a hair transplant cost?
The cost of hair transplantation depends on the density of the hair as well as the time it takes to transplant the hair and also the method of hair transplantation.
If you want to know the daily costs and discounts of Arad International and Specialized Clinic, you can contact our experienced consultants and experts. Consulting and providing services in this specialized clinic is completely free.
In Arad International and Specialized Clinic, hair transplantation is performed by a skilled and experienced doctor, Dr. Alizadeh. For more information and free consultation, you can contact the following numbers:
Tehran Central Branch
Sa’adat Abad:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
Site address:

Questions about facial rejuvenation

With age, the skin will become wrinkled and sagging facial skin will appear, which will cause depression and loss of self-confidence in people, but today, with modern and advanced methods, wrinkles can be removed from the skin and fresh faces and He was young
راهی How can we use it to rejuvenate the face?
There are different ways to rejuvenate the face, such as fat injection, gel injection, radiofrequency hippotherapy, thread lift, each method is chosen depending on the patient’s condition and the doctor’s opinion.
What are the side effects of facial rejuvenation?
If facial rejuvenation is done by a highly skilled doctor, there will be no side effects for anyone
Does facial rejuvenation hurt?
Basically, facial rejuvenation procedures will be performed under local anesthesia and the amount of pain is very mild
Which method is better for lip and cheek rejuvenation? To rejuvenate the lips and cheeks, it is better to use fat injections and gel injections
Is gel injection better for facial rejuvenation or fat injection?
It is better to use fat injection for facial rejuvenation because there is no limit to the amount of fat in the fat injection method and the body does not react to it.
Which facial rejuvenation method is better for sagging skin?
It is better to use hypo-therapy and carboxytherapy to eliminate sagging skin, because by transferring energy to the subcutaneous tissues, it will cause the skin to stretch and tighten.
Why Botox injections for facial rejuvenation make the face artificial?
If a person’s face becomes artificial after Botox injection, the reason is that they have used substandard substances with an indefinite dose. It is better to use the appropriate dose of Botox injections to make the face look normal.
Which facial rejuvenation method is more durable?
Facial rejuvenation method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Of course, the facial rejuvenation method is selected based on the patient’s condition and the doctor’s opinion, but fat injection can be considered better in terms of durability than other methods because it is a more natural method.
Does facial rejuvenation have an effect on removing blemishes on the face?
Yes, because the skin is stretched, collagen production is better and will eliminate blemishes, blemishes and skin problems.
What is the best gel for facial rejuvenation with gel injection?
Today, the best and most quality gel used in the gel injection method is hyaluronic acid gel, which will be more compatible with the body than other gels.
Where do the fats used to rejuvenate the face come from?
The fats that are injected to rejuvenate the face are supplied by the body itself, which is removed from the parts that have the highest amount of fat, such as the thighs, sides and abdomen.
How long does Botox last?
The shelf life of Botox, which is used for facial rejuvenation, has a shelf life of 5 months, and Botox must be re-injected to continue this process.
Can smokers do facial rejuvenation?
Yes, these people can rejuvenate their face, but they should know that they should not smoke for a week before rejuvenating the skin in any way.
Does fat move under the skin after facial rejuvenation by fat injection?
No. Fats attach to other tissues quickly after being injected into the skin, they heal and will not move under the skin.
How much does facial rejuvenation cost?
The cost of facial rejuvenation varies depending on the method chosen for rejuvenation and the number of sessions and the tools and equipment used in each treatment method.
If you want to know the daily costs and discounts of Arad International and Specialized Clinic, you can contact our experienced consultants and experts. Consulting and providing services in this medical and specialized clinic is completely free.
In Arad International and Specialized Clinic, all kinds of facial rejuvenation methods are performed by a skilled and experienced doctor, Dr. Alizadeh. For more information and free consultation, you can contact the following numbers:
Tehran Central Branch
Sa’adat Abad:
Isfahan Branch:
Instagram ID:
@ clinic.arad
Site address:

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