مرحبًا بكم في عيادة عراد العالمية للتجميل والبشرة


إيران طهران بلدة الغرب أفشال شمال فزيشش

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Injection of gel and facial fat

Dr. Alizadeh is the best doctor for fat injection in Tehran

One of the signs of aging is a decrease in the volume of the face and other tissues of the body. Aging causes fat loss in different parts of the body. And it will make the appearance of the limbs bony and increase the depth of wrinkles and lines.

There are many ways to compensate for the lost volume, wrinkles and skin rejuvenation, and fat injection is one of the most effective methods of rejuvenation and volume if done by the best doctor for fat injection.

What is fat injection?

Fat injection is one of the rejuvenation methods in which fat is used as a filter. And dermal fillers or volumizers are a group of injectable materials that cause the skin to become volumized and rejuvenated by entering a layer of skin.

There are different types of fillers and in Iran they are mostly known as gel injections, but gels are only one of the types of fillers that can be used and fat injection is also in the category of fillers.

In fat injection, the body’s own fats are used, its effects are more lasting and body tissues do not show sensitivity and bad reaction to fat injection, in addition, if you go to the best doctor for fat injection, the side effects of this method are very low. And is limited.

Steps of fat injection:

– See the best doctor for fat injection

– Disinfect the fat drain

– Local anesthesia of the fat drain site

Liposuction by liposuction or lipomatic method

– Preparation of fat by centrifuge

– Injecting fat into the desired parts of the body

Benefits of fat injection:

Liposuction uses your own body fat, and if you go to the best doctor for fat injection, the chances of allergic reactions to the foreign substance are reduced, the results of fat injection are lasting, natural and safe.

Application of fat injection:
Facial fat injection to remove skin wrinkles, frown lines and laughter
Liposuction of the hands for rejuvenation
Injecting fat into the breasts to increase breast volume
Volumizing the hips and shaping the limbs
Who is fat injection suitable for:

– Those who have congenital defects.

– Those who have scars, surgery and stitches.

– Those who are looking to rejuvenate the skin of the hands and face and treat sagging and premature aging of their skin.

– Those who are looking for volume in areas of the body such as: chest and buttocks.

– Those who are looking for more beauty without surgery.

Complications and disadvantages of fat injection:

Because the fat injection method uses the body fat of the person. Usually, its side effects are reduced and it creates a very high durability and effectiveness for the person.

If the fat injection is done properly and accurately by the best doctor for fat injection, not only will the result be very desirable and desirable, but the possibility of its side effects will be greatly reduced.

In Arad International and specialized clinic, fat injection is performed by a professional and experienced staff.

The best clinic and the best doctor for fat injection – Arad International Hair and Skin Clinic

The cost of fat injection will be calculated depending on the duration of the fat injection, the equipment used, the doctor’s fee and the clinic tariff.

If you want to know the daily costs and discounts of Arad International and Specialized Clinic. You can contact our experienced consultants and experts.

Consulting services at Arad International and Specialized Clinic are completely free.

Pre-fat injection care:

See the best doctor for fat injections.

Drink plenty of water and fluids to keep your body hydrated.

Avoid smoking and alcohol.

Avoid taking blood thinners and anti-inflammatory drugs for a week before the injection.

Be sure to tell your doctor if you have a history of certain diseases.

Care after fat injection:

Take the medication prescribed by your doctor regularly.

Avoid doing exercise and strenuous activities.

Avoid massaging and touching the fat injection site.

Keep dressings and areas for fat extraction and injection clean.

– Do not touch water to the wound areas for a few days after the injection.

Effects and results of fat injection:

The longevity of fat injection, if done by the best doctor for fat injection, is long and its side effects are very small and it has a short recovery period. The results of fat injection include: skin rejuvenation, freshness, volume and prominence of different parts of the body, which can be seen after the injection.

Fat injection recovery period:

The recovery period of fat injection is very short due to the non-invasive nature of this operation

So that many people can immediately start their daily activities. However, it is recommended that you avoid exercise and strenuous activity for a few weeks to achieve the ideal result.

Number of fat injection sessions:

If you go to the best doctor for fat injection, fat injection is done in one session without side effects and fat injection takes about one to two hours, most of which is spent on fat removal and fat preparation process and then The injection is done and if necessary, the fat injection can be repeated several times.

In Arad International and Specialized Clinic, fat injection services are performed by a specialized and experienced doctor, Dr. Mohammad Alizadeh.

Also, in this specialized clinic, gel and fat are injected into the vagina. You can refer to the article on gel and fat injection into the vagina for more information.

You can contact the following number for more information:

Tehran Central Branch

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